Meditating – Was It Thoughtless Awareness or Something Else?

NilInThought - GreenWhat’s the strangest thing that’s happened to you whilst meditating?

I’ve been consistently practising meditation daily, in the morning for around 10-15 minutes via the Headspace app, as part of my morning routine (which I’ve written a post on here).

I sit crossed legged on my yoga matt, in the sun room while the sun crests the trees I overlook. I sit and surrounding me is my journal, pens, first coffee of the day and a fluffy blanket I like to wrap around myself – since it’s been so cold here lately.

My dog, Bowser (The B) loves this time of day since I’m on his level and he is forever snuffling around; disturbing the peace.

Hence the headphones.

It’s been over a month since this strange thing happened, and luckily, I did have my journal with me because I was in such a surreal state of mind that I wrote down exactly what was happening and what I was feeling once I came back into myself.

I’ve been contemplating this post for a while now, not sure whether to share this with you or not but curiosity has won out & I just want to know your thoughts and if anything like this has happened to any of you out there.

So, I’ll just bite the bullet and post this; post the words I wrote in my journal of that morning and hopefully you don’t think I’m crazy…

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6 Habits That Will Change Your Life; The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod – A Book Review

Hal Elrod Quote

Since I’ve been focused on the hype of personal development and gasp! actually want to make my life better and stop living on auto pilot, I’ve set my eyes on sorting through the wealth of information available on the topic and have decided to focus solely on the concept of a morning ritual. One thing at a time right…

We all know the importance of waking early and starting the day the right way – creating a morning routine that sets the tone for an extraordinary day ahead but really, I was still stumped on the hows, the why, the whats and when.

Eventually, I came across this amazing book which albeit has a somewhat sales pitch-esc approach in some chapters but enough enthusiasm, information and inspiration to allow me to fully grasp how best to TAKE ACTION, get my life on track and let go of this feeling of mediocrity I’ve come to know and abhor.

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How To Practice Gratitude Journaling Every Single Day

Perhaps you’ve heard of the benefits of gratitude already  > well, if you haven’t you’re welcome to check out my handy (but brief) list in my post What’s This Thing Called Gratitude + Why You Should Probably Look at Doing It  which gives you the rundown of why you should probably start doing it, like for instance the fact that IT CAN ACTUALLY MAKE YOU LIVE LONGER!

What the actual hell and it’s such a fucking easy practice to implement into your life!

Gah! So quick! Go now while you still have the chance!
It’s fine, no no, it’s fine. I’ll wait right here until you get back.

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What’s This Thing Called Gratitude + Why You Should Probably Look at Doing It.

Ahh yes, gratitude.

I’m sure you’ve heard of it but maybe you’re not too sure what it’s all about, why you should probably look at doing it or even how to do it.

So, if you’re anything like me & sometimes get overwhelmed with the internet or have a crippling dose of perfectionism running through your veins, I’m going to try to simplify it, explain it and give you some examples of how I’ve been practicing it & even what I’ve come up with recently.

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Gratitude & Five Things I’m Grateful For Today – In Case You’re Stuck.

I feel as though a lot of the people around me are just not noticing or comprehending that the world we are living in, this planet & all its’ inhabitants, is chock-a-block full of astonishing fantastically magical completely amazingly good things, but everything is moving so damn fast!

My focus at the moment has been on gratitude; taking the time to notice and appreciate the small (or big) things that light me up, bring me back to my centre and just allow me to slow down, if only for a moment.

So I thought for today that I would share some of these things with you *, and maybe by doing so, it’ll prompt you to stop, take a moment & look around, appreciate and understand that there are so many beautiful things happening everywhere and every day, if you would only look.

*of course, in no particular order – no favouritism here!

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