6 Habits That Will Change Your Life; The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod – A Book Review

Hal Elrod Quote

Since I’ve been focused on the hype of personal development and gasp! actually want to make my life better and stop living on auto pilot, I’ve set my eyes on sorting through the wealth of information available on the topic and have decided to focus solely on the concept of a morning ritual. One thing at a time right…

We all know the importance of waking early and starting the day the right way – creating a morning routine that sets the tone for an extraordinary day ahead but really, I was still stumped on the hows, the why, the whats and when.

Eventually, I came across this amazing book which albeit has a somewhat sales pitch-esc approach in some chapters but enough enthusiasm, information and inspiration to allow me to fully grasp how best to TAKE ACTION, get my life on track and let go of this feeling of mediocrity I’ve come to know and abhor.

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